讲述中药故事 讲好中国故事 Tell the story of Chinese medicine and tell the story of China well
我们举办的“全国首届健康文化创意产业大会” 隆重推出千集中药微纪录片《中华特色药》(现改名《中药故事》)并举行了开机仪式:剪彩领导从左至右:北京同仁堂集团党委副书记陆建国 北京电视台纪实卫视频道主任陈大立 国家卫健委原副主任中国医药卫生文化协会会长陈啸宏 中宣部原副部长秘书长官景辉 中国保健协会理事长秦小明 国家中医药管理局原副局长中国中药协会会长房书亭 一、创作背景Creative Background
道地药材到底在哪?目前,中国中药材在很多地方可谓乱象丛生:化肥培育、农药残留、以假乱真、以次充好等现象令人发指。有良心的中医药管理者、中医药专家、中医药行业和老百姓千呼万唤:不能让中医亡于中药!我们正在面向全国寻找和推荐最纯正最优质的道地药材,追本溯源,正本清源! Where on earth are genuine medicinal materials? At present, Chinese herbal medicines in many places can be described as clumps of chaos: fertilizer cultivation, pesticide residues, to false, sub-optimal and other phenomena are abhorrent. Conscientious managers of traditional Chinese medicine, experts of traditional Chinese medicine, the Chinese medicine industry and the people are calling for a thousand times: Chinese medicine can not be killed in traditional Chinese medicine! We are looking for and recommending the most pure and high-quality genuine medicinal materials for the whole country, tracing back to the origin and purifying the origin! 世间每一味药材都有一个特别的故事!讲述中药故事就是讲好中国故事!千集中药微纪录片《中药故事》是一部“电视版的中华药典、生活中的用药指南”,该片集文化性、专业性、系统性、趣味性、可看性为一体,让大众细细体味每一味中药的传奇与魅力,是健康与文化的融合,是传承与创新的结合。独树一帜、独特创意打造千集的规模与精炼表述,是一部前无古人的恢宏巨制,为中药树碑立传,可谓功德无量。极具学习、欣赏以及收藏价值。这项重大工程将载入中医药文化发展史册,为人类的健康留下宝贵财富! Every herb in the world has a special story! To tell the story of Chinese medicine is to tell the story of China well. Chinese Medicine Story is a TV version of Chinese Pharmacopoeia and a guide to medication in daily life. It integrates culture, professionalism, systematicness, interestingness and visibility. It enables the public to appreciate the legend and charm of every Chinese medicine carefully. It is a combination of health and culture, and it is a heritage and innovation. Combination. Creating a unique and unique creativity to create a thousand sets of scale and refined expression is an unprecedented magnificent system, which can be described as immeasurable merits and virtues for the erection and biography of Chinese medicine steles. It has great learning, appreciation and collection value. This major project will be included in the history of the development of traditional Chinese medicine culture, leaving valuable wealth for human health! 二、节目概要Program summary 纪录片集数:每季60集 Documentary series: 60 episodes per season 纪录片时长:5分钟/集 Documentary length: 5 minutes/episode 纪录片内容:针对中药材的历史文化、药理药性、种植养殖、加工炮制、临床应用以及药食同源等方面,采用讲故事的方式,生动、亲切、有趣,挖掘和呈现中药文化价值。采用微故事的形式,短小精炼,播放便捷,适合新时代新媒体。节目片头、片尾、片花、字幕、图示及音乐等均体现出中国传统文化特色,古朴典雅与现代时尚兼容。 Documentary content: In view of the history and culture, pharmacology and pharmacology, cultivation and breeding, processing, clinical application and medicinal and food homology of traditional Chinese medicines, using storytelling, vivid, cordial and interesting, excavating and presenting the cultural value of traditional Chinese medicines. In the form of micro-stories, short and concise, easy to play, suitable for the new era of new media. The program's head, end, flower, subtitle, illustration and music all embody the characteristics of Chinese traditional culture, which is compatible with modern fashion and is simple and elegant. 纪录片受众:关注中医药的人群、关注健康的人群、关注文化的人群、关注纪录片的人群。 Audience: people who care about traditional Chinese medicine, health, culture and documentary. 纪录片播发:该纪录片将联合国内权威发行部门面向各大电视平台、网络视频平台、社交媒体平台、户外视频、移动视频、楼宇视频、手机视频等发行播出,并通过中宣部对外推广局和对外合作机构同时向国外发行。 Broadcast of documentary: this documentary will be distributed and broadcast to major TV platforms, Internet video platforms, social media platforms, outdoor video, mobile video, building video and mobile video by the authoritative domestic publishing department, and simultaneously distributed abroad through the external promotion bureau of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and foreign cooperation agencies. 电视平台:北京电视台纪实频道首播、国内各电视台、国外各电视机构发行播出。 TV platform: Beijing TV documentary channel premiered, domestic TV stations, foreign television organizations distribution and broadcast. 网络平台:国家广电总局网纪录片频道、央视网纪录片频道、优酷、土豆、爱奇艺、乐视 、搜狐、凤凰等国内外各大网站发行播出。 Network platform: national administration of radio, film and television network documentary channel, CCTV network documentary channel, youku, tudou, iQIYI, Letv, sohu, phoenix and other major domestic and foreign websites broadcast. 社交平台:微博、微信、博客、论坛、播客等播发。 Social Platform: Weibo, Weixin, Blog, Forum, Podcast, etc. 三、组织机构Organization 支持单位:中共中央宣传部对外推广局 中国保健协会 中国中医科学院 中国医药卫生事业发展基金会 中国医药卫生文化协会 全国中药材基地共建共享联盟 北京电视台纪实频道 Supporting unit: CPC Central Committee Propaganda Department External Promotion BureauChina Health Association China Health Association Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine China Medical and Health Development Foundation China Medical Health and Culture Association National Coalition for the Construction and Sharing of Chinese Medicinal Material Bases Beijing TV Documentary Channel 主办单位:中国中药协会 中国保健协会健康文化创意专业委员会 Sponsor unit: China Traditional Chinese Medicine Association China Health Association Professional Committee on Health Culture and Creativity 承办单位:北京元上都影视文化传播有限公司 北京世屹文化传媒集团有限公司 Undertaking unit: Beijing Yuanshangdu Film and Television Culture Communication Co., Ltd.. Beijing Shiyi Cultural Media Group Co., Ltd. 权威指导 于文明 国家中医药管理局局长 陈啸宏 国家卫健委原副主任 中国医药卫生文化协会会长
张伯礼 中国工程院院士 中国中医科学院名誉院长 金世元 国医大师 Authoritative guidance: Yuwenming, Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chenxiaohong, former deputy director of the National Weijian Commission, President of China Medical Health and Culture Association National Association for Building and Sharing of Chinese Herbal Medicine Base Zhangboli, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Jinshiyuan, Honorary President of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jinshiyuan, Master of Medicine 专家顾问 王永炎 中国工程院院士 中国中医科学院名誉院长 陈可冀 国医大师 中国科学院院士 肖培根 中国工程院院士 药用植物专家 姚达木 原国家药典委员会副秘书长 吴以岭 中国工程院院士 中国中西医结合学会副会长 李大鹏 中国工程院院士 卢广荣 国家级非物质文化遗产代表性传承人 名贵中药材鉴定大师 黄璐琦 中国工程院院士 中国中医科学院院长 田瑞华 国家级非物质文化遗产代表性传承人 北京同仁堂集团总工程师 李经纬 中国中医科学院荣誉首席研究员 钱超尘 北京中医药大学教授 陈士林 中国中医科学院中药研究所所长 世界卫生组织传统医学合作中心主任 柳长华 中国中医科学院医史文献研究所原所长 国家中药“非遗”专家委员会主任委员 张世臣 中国中药协会副会长 国家药监局药品注册司原司长 孙晓波 中国医学科学院药用植物研究所所长 高学敏 北京中医药大学教授 赵小刚 北京市级非物质文化传承人 北京同仁堂中药鉴别大师 王 瑛 中国中药协会副会长 Expert Advisor: Wangyongyan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Honorary Dean of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medicine Chenkeji, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Xiaopeigen, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering Yaodamu Deputy Secretary-General of the National Pharmacopoeia Committee Wuyiling, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering, Vice President, Chinese Association of Western Medicine Lidapeng, Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering Luguangrong, representative of the National intangible cultural heritage heritor of rare Chinese herbal medicine identification master Huangluqi, Academician, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Tianruihua, representative heritor of the National intangible cultural heritage Beijing Tongren Tang Group Chief Engineer Lijingwei, Honorary Principal Fellow, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Qianchaochen, Professor, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Chenshilin, Director, Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medicine Liuchanghua, former director of the Institute of Medical History and Documentation of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhangshichen, Vice President, China Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, former Director of Drug Registration Department, State Pharmaceutical Administration Sunxiaobo, Director, Institute of Medicinal Botany, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Gaoxuemin, Professor, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Zhaoxiaogang, Beijing Municipal Intangible Cultural Inheritors Beijing Tongren Tang Master of Chinese Medicine Identification Wang Ying Vice President of China Traditional Chinese Medicine Association 总监制: 房书亭 国家中医药管理局原副局长 中国中药协会会长 张为佳 中国保健协会党委书记 陆建国 北京同仁堂集团原党委副书记 中国保健协会健康文化创意专业委员会会长 Chief Producer: Fangshuting, former deputy director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Qinxiaoming, Chairman, China Health Association; Research Fellow, State Council Lujianguo, former deputy party secretary of Beijing Tonrentang Group China Health Association Health Culture and Creative Professional Committee President 监 制: 李 萍 中国保健协会副理事长 刘张林 中国中医药协会常务副会长 Producer: Li Ping Vice President, China Health Association Liuzhanglin, Executive Vice President, China Traditional Chinese Medicine Association 总制片人: 于 智 中国保健协会健康文化创意委员会执行会长兼秘书长 《健康中国》节目总监 徐志鹏 北京世屹文化传媒集团有限公司董事长 Chief Producer: YuZhi,Executive President and Director, Healthy China, Secretary General, Health Culture and Creative Committee, China Health Association Xuzhipeng, Chairman of Beijing Shiyi Culture Media Group Co., Ltd.. 电视艺术顾问: 陈大立 北京电视台纪实频道原主任 中国纪录片协会副主任委员 朱贤亮 北京电视台纪实频道原总编辑 中国纪录片协会副主任委员 于 民 《中国乐坛》副理事长 中国保健协会健康文化创意专业委员会副会长 Television Art Consultant: Chendali, former director of Beijing TV documentary channel, vice chairman of China Documentary Association Zhuxianliang, former editor-in-chief of Beijing TV documentary channel China Documentary Association Vice Chairman YuMin, Vice Chairman of "Chinese Music" ;China Health Association Health Culture and Creative Professional Committee Vice President 中医药顾问 : 翟胜利 国家中药保护办评审委员国家非处方药遴选专家 魏胜利 北京中医药大学中药学院副院长 教授 翁超明 北京大学医学部中医专家 赵立冬 北京养生文化创意产业协会会长 Chinese Medicine Consultant: Dishengli, national non-prescription drug selection expert for the National Assessment committee of the National Office of Chinese Medicine Protection Weishengli, Associate Professor, School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Wengchaoming, Chinese medicine expert, School of Medicine, Peking University Zhaolidong, President, Beijing Health Conservation Cultural and Creative Industry Association 音乐艺术顾问 : 秦文琛 作曲家 中央音乐学院副院长 制片人:刘 彤 导 演:曹 硕 袁 方 音乐创作:于梦石 音乐制作:姚铁斌 责任编辑:王 秀 制片主任:景红霞 谭诚 制作总监:蒋顺祥 Music Art Consultant: Qinwenchen, Vice President of the Central Conservatory of Music Producer: Liu Tong Director: Cao Shuo Yuan Fang Music Creation: Yu Mengshi Music Production: Yao Tiebin Responsible Editor: Wang Xiu Production Director: Jinghong Xia Tancheng Production Director: Jiang Shunxiang